Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where did that come from?

Everyone keeps asking us where in the world we came up with the idea to give away a free freaking wedding. Lets just say wine played a big part! haha. SO Hara and I have been best friends for a loooooooonnnnnnnngggggg time since the start of our business. I honestly couldn't breathe without her sometimes!(not to mention own a business without her encouragement, passion and drive) We have been thru the pits together fo sho (boys, magazines, business' cars, houses, and kids... lots of kids! all together right now its @ a grand total of 6. GEEZ we should have our own TLC show) anyway I heart this girl!!

All together having a wine night, because as everyone knows that when the best ideas happen. Both of our business were... well lets just say, not at the top!:> and we needed a marketing plan!

Convo went something like this: "A free wedding DUH....winning. Lets do it somewhere CrAzY!! how 'bout in the MIDDLE of the street!! I mean,, because who does that? ha!! NOT only that, but lets do it in downtown Pensacola, on a friggin Gallery Night!!" The boys didnt know what had just happened, they kinda just looked at each other! lol but we knew!

So the next work week... the adventure began. We started with a meeting with Hillary, Downtown Improvement Board (man were we excited to get that) then off to Vinyl we go, you know to ask if we can crash their venue on a Friday night! Those guys were/are awesome but Ive known that for a while :)... wow we thought we had done so much just on that day! then the word spread..... people started talking and look where we are now!! I mean have you seen our vendor list?? um WOW!!!!!!!! The FISH HOUSE!! FIORE!!!! SUSAN CAMPBELL!! GCPP!!ME!! HARA!! STYLE!!! SKIN!!! for real, go to the website and look @ the list. I know!! We cant believe it either!! "just keeping our dreams alive" :)

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