Thursday, July 28, 2011

Heidi Hensley & Juston Takacs

Ages:26, 26
Occupations: Counselor III at Children’s Home Society; Food and Beverage Supervisor at Margaritaville Hotel

We met in the most elementary of ways: on the school bus in third grade. And for the next five years we were inseparable. We lived in the same neighborhood in Smyrna, Tennessee
and spent all of our free time together until Juston moved to Pensacola after seventh grade. Juston and I had our first kiss the day before he moved to Pensacola in 1998. We had
our second kiss the next time we saw each other: 12 years later in the Nashville airport.
The first glimpse of him caused me to stop breathing. His eyes were brighter than I remembered. Immediately we kissed -my heart racing. I wondered: Is this the same Juston?
Is it possible to find your true love in third grade? My head full of disbelief; my heart full of hope. He looked the same but 12 years of life had changed us. Over the past few months
we had spoken every day on the phone and were beginning to wonder if these long conversations and electrifying emotions were real. They were. He only stayed two days, but we
knew this was it: Love. Even though he lived in Miami, and I lived in Nashville we visited each other often and within three months Juston moved to Nashville while I finished school.
One weekend in March while visiting Pensacola we went kayaking in the Sabine when we decided to move here. I was nervous about moving far from home without being engaged.
When I told my family they didn’t share my concern. Later I found out Juston had asked for my parent’s blessings two weeks prior. Juston proposed to me at sunset in May outside
of his grandmother’s house while overlooking the water. In that moment my heart fluttered at this realization: my best friend was now to be my husband.

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